Yesterday my son had a doctor's appointment and thinking back on it now, I have to laugh. This means of course something funny went down and I just have to share it.
We went to a new doctor today, Dr Jones (I thought he would like that as he loves Indiana Jones) for his annual visit. During this visit there was a possibility of shots or so I thought. We start with the basics, weight, height and now we're on to the little prick on the finger for some blood.
This is where all hell breaks loose. My child starts hollering how this is going to hurt beyond measure and I think he is just joking. As I go to get him, he takes off running around the doctor's office. I kept trying to grab him and at one point I had to laugh at myself because I could not believe he was doing this.It took 3 nurses to finally catch him and get him to where they needed him to be to take the blood. This whole time he is hollering how it's going to hurt. I have to hold his hand of course and then when they do it, he is screaming how much this little prick on the finger hurt. I was so embarrassed.
He was still crying pretty badly by the time we went into the room. He was better when he was younger.
Now I just have to laugh at that day. I can't wait to see what will happen when he actually needs to get shots.
Driving My Point Home: New Blog
12 years ago