I had an appointment with Home Depot at 1100hrs to try to get this counter thing settled. Even when I wrote the email I knew it was confusing so this was no suprise that they wanted to see me in person in regards to this. I took in my paperwork that I orginially had taken when making the order so I could show it was their mistake not mine.
I spoke to Cliff and we had it settled even before the countertop person came in to work. They saw where the mistake was made, it was just a matter of not adding or specifiy that 25inches needed to be accounted for.
They are reordering it at no charge but I let them know I was not going to be able to accept the coutnertop for deliviery until the end of June. I also let them know how the delivery people from the company they use have a habit of just showing up or calling and saying we're about to deliver your countertop. Cliff agreed that was unprofessional. I hope all will work out.
Driving My Point Home: New Blog
12 years ago