29 August 2008

Alexandria movers

Where should I begin.  Well I was told to call thursday afternoon if I hadn't heard from the moving company so I did to ask when they would be coming.  I was told the movers would be there between noon and 1600hr (not exactly what I wanted to hear).
So today I drop K off at school and then head over to Sye's house to drop off some food, then back to the hotel.  At the hotel I start packing some of the things up while waiting on a call from a friend as we are to go do breakfast.  I'm getting along happily when my friend calls to say they're close by cool, i say i'm on my way.  Just as I am starting to leave, my phone rings again and it's the moving company, they're at the house waiting on me. WHAT, so now I have to cancel breakfast and I call Sye to ask him if he can let the movers in so they can get started.  Good thing he was in a good mood (especially since he texts me to let me know one of the movers was hot, it was two women).  Now that they are in the house I met up with my friend for a hot second for a tea :) and then rush off to Sye's.  By the time I get there, they are almost done so i'm getting happy thinking i will have the rest of the day to myself to pack up at the hotel and maybe even hit a movie, WRONG.  They were only the packers, now i have to wait on the movers to pick the stuff up.  There goes the rest of my day.  But at least they came within an hour of the others leaving, glad I didn't take off until noon.  Well they take about 2 hours to load the stuff, and finally I get my day.  It's about 1300hr so really I don't get much of a day as I have to pick K up nlt 1600hr so he can get to his last Tae Kwon Do class on time.  So I head back to the hotel and do some packing and then decide why not, i"m going to go to the movies, this week has been pretty stressful.  The only thing playing around this time is Mamma Mia which I wanted to see.  So of I go and watch the movie even though I start to get impatient with it as it's getting a little close to 1600hr.  Anyway all goes well, movie ends (it was ok) and I pick K up in time and we make it to Tae Kwon Do class.  After that back to the hotel so I can finish packing up and get the stuff into the car.  Boy I have more stuff than I thought, wish I had known that before the packers came today as I would have give up a few things.  So now the car is full and I am wondering how i will fit the food I dropped off at Sye's in the car (I'd hate to have to leave it behind as I know he wont eat it plus it's wouldn't hurt to have a few things to eat on hand).  i guess I'll worry about that tomorrow.  So all in all I don't get out of the hotel until 2100hr and head off to my uncle's house so we can chill and say good bye before we leave the area.  And now I am way tired and am hoping my son will soon fall asleep (yes he is still awake boy do I miss having that kind of energy).

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