26 February 2009

The Hot Tub Story

I have been contemplating for a long time on which hot tub I should spend my 'First-Time Buyers' tax loan on. Thank goodness I found the website below to help me along without it I would have been lost. http://www.spadepot.com/spacyclopedia/spa-buyers-guide.htm

Even with this assistance it was a very hard choice and at the last minute funding became an issue so I had to scale back :( The one pictured below was to be the choice but ended up not. I am sad but really I did not need a 6 person tub, I will mostly be the one using it by myself whenever I possibly can. Hopefully once I get my actual choice together I will post a picture of it.

The winner is: Belize 1000LS Hot Tub Lounger Spa

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