03 August 2008

Decisions: pros and cons

First off, I know it has been a while but such is life. It has definitely been a busy time though so it’s time to up-date.

I want to say I went to go see the Dark Knight movie, but I guess since everyone has been hyping it up so much, I didn’t think it was as good as everyone said. Anyway, I could have waited to see it on DVD.

Now I have had the perfect job offer and I don’t know what to do. I have been offered a job to work with the Air Force in Florida, Panama City to be exact. I have been trying to get a job with the AF every since I got out 6 years ago and it is very hard to get in the system. On the same day I was offered this position I received another email in regards to a position with the AF in Florida. So I am sitting there emailing the person saying I have already forwarded the paperwork their human resources person has requested. But then she emails me back in regards to an interview. Now I am confused, as I have already been offered the job. Come to find out there are two jobs at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida, one that I have for sure and the other I have to interview for.

Also on the same day I receive an email about a job interview in Germany but it’s not as a PAO, it’s back to being what I was in the AF, a broadcaster. But I will do the interview anyway just to have options you never know and it is Germany so it would be nice to go back home.

Then the next day I receive another email about a job in Korea asking if I am still interested and would I like to interview. Of course I say yes because as above you never know, it’s nice to have options.

Of course all these options cause a big problem COST.

I'm going to leave it here for now as you never know what the next day holds.

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