27 December 2008
I have so lapsed so here goes
01 November 2008
29 October 2008
I was worried
12 October 2008
The job
OK So now I have been settled in the job for a few weeks and it has been a busy few weeks. I am glad my position is community relations as that is what I wanted to do but I never realized how busy that position can be especially when you ‘re in a community as supportive of its troops as Augusta, GA. Of course that’s a two-sided sword, it means they also ask a lot of you, which is where I come in. With Veteran’s day coming up, I have had at least 10 requests for things such a speakers, color guard, firing detail team and of course the Band. It takes a lot of coordination and you can’t always support everyone, which isn’t fun, then I also get the wonderful job of telling those we can’t support.
That is not the only thing I do, I also deal with all volunteer requests, which come in often as well. This does give the soldiers the opportunity to give back to the community they are currently a part of.
Another thing I am working on is feeding the troops for Thanksgiving. Several churches have invited troops to join them in a Thanksgiving meal and trying to coordinate that is not as easy as I thought.
11 October 2008
Off to Canada we go
09 October 2008
29 September 2008
Before and in progress pictures
Before and in progress pictures
12 September 2008
It is time
09 September 2008
Hectic day at work
08 September 2008
in search a house & financing, the story begins
04 September 2008
My first week in Augusta
30 August 2008
A suggestion from http://www.abitofmylife.com/
This is a fun little meme.
Go to Google and type in quotation marks your name and then “likes to” (ex. “Tom likes to”). Type in the first ten things that come up and repost in your own note
29 August 2008
Alexandria movers
27 August 2008
Not as good as Monday
So today was not as lucky as yesterday with the movers. I get there early so there isn’t a repeat of yesterday but of course they don’t show until about 0930 L Now this completely throws off the rest of my day. I was suppose to drop my car off at the dealership at 0800 but the movers said they weren’t going to take to long so I need to stay. So far things aren’t going so well. I mean it’s great that they are being so careful but shouldn’t it have been done yesterday and today should have been just a quick load, right? Not so much.
So I have now watched two movies and am still sitting here waiting. That’s what I get for over booking my day.
Oh yeah did I mention it’s been a little rainy today, hope nothing of mine gets wet (it’s stopped for now).
OK end result, i don't get my car fix cause i run out of time and i have to leave them on site after the inventory so I can make my pedicure appointment.
This is a great pedicure place and Lerae is the owner who does my feet. She also has a barn on base with three horses and invited me to bring K by so he could ride.
Later that evening, we head to the stables and K actually gets on the horse with no problems and then loves it. He didn't want to get off, looks like there might be another sport he's going to want to start. We'll see how that goes down in Augusta.
I'm off. later
25 August 2008
my movers are awesome
18 August 2008
15 August 2008
Started out bad but ended not so bad
So now I’m running out the door because with DC traffic you never know if you’re going to get to where you need to be on time if you don’t leave extra early. As I am stuck in traffic on my way to MD, I get a call, it’s the official job offer BUT they weren’t aware of my GS 11 pay. They ask me to send an email accepting the position naming the salary I am expecting. Have to make sure that’s in writing, but of course I can’t do this until way later in the day as I have no access to a computer while heading to MD. I’m anxious to get that email out so the paperwork can start rolling. I finally get back from MD around 1400hr and I still haven’t eaten yet, stupid DC traffic and shoot off the email. Thank goodness the person is still in the office and she replies with a confirmation of the salary I wanted GS 9 Step 7 and the position. So it looks like things are flowing.
Oh yeah did I mention my boss is going to be gone the next week so if there is a glitch I’m in big trouble. Hope nothing goes wrong between now and then.
14 August 2008
What, I'm posting this at the dealership cause they have free internet
OK so here’s the up-date for now. I moved out of my friend’s apartment and into the hotel. It is not a great hotel but it could be worse. At least there is a separate bedroom and a full kitchen but this morning there was an ant in the bathroom. WTH on the 8th floor, how did it even get up that high. Did I mention my legs are killing me? I’m trying to figure out in what part of the move did I use my leg muscles so much that they are sore. And of course my back wasn’t doing well either. Oh we had a king size bed in the hotel and I still haven’t figured out why I still end up with barely enough bed to lay on when K is in it with me. I pushed him all the way to the other side before I went to be but when I got up this morning I was almost hanging on for dear life to stay in the bed. The breakfast that comes with it isn’t that hot either and I don’t mean the temperature; I mean as in not that many choices and no good ones on top of that. At least at the Comfort Inn you can make your own waffles J
Anyway yesterday was also my last day with Kristen, work is going to be so boring without her there. I wont even have anyone to walk to work with my anymore L
This week hasn’t gone to well.
Anyway, even though I turned down the Korea job, the hiring official emailed me asking me if I was worried about being essential personnel as a single parent, and granted yes I was but that’s not the only reason I turned down the job. I am also worried about the health of both my parents and want to be able to get to them pretty quickly. I just thought it was really nice of her to email me and try to help me through the EE issue. I haven’t had a chance to email her back and let her know that wasn’t the only issue. I really would have liked to go to Korea. On another note, the AF job I was so excited about is still wanting to know if I am interested, and even though I am, I am excited about going to Ft Gordon, and I am just not prepared not to give it a try. I am really sad about turning the AF job down I have wanted to work for them so long but in the long run I think it is a better choice even though one of my co-workers said I would get along great with at least one of the people in the AF shop L Damn it sometimes too many choices is not a good thing especially when they are all good.
Let’s move on to my car. Oh yeah it’s time to talk tires. So after extensive research on Consumer Report (I love that site), I decided on getting the Michelin Pilot Exalto A/S P215-60R16. I already know Michelin is not going to be cheap but I didn’t expect my bill to come to over $700 and I went to Sears (Costco was actually more expensive tire price wise anyway). And I still have to get my water pump and timing belt changed. I haven’t asked how much that’s going to cost yet, because I may not like the answer. Last time I had it done on my Honda it was about $500-600 so I’m hoping that it’s about the same for the Camry. We shall see. If I get a chance I may have time for an oil change today (then I can ask how much the other stuff will cost).
So back to Sears, so far (and I am actually still at Sears while writing this) I have not been pleased with the service. My car looks like it is just sitting on the lift with nothing being done to it. They know I’m waiting, even if I am a little doped up from my back meds. I just want to lay down on their floor and go to sleep J they need cots for their customers who have to wait longer than 2 hours (by the way that’s what they told me it would take and it has already been at least an hour and some change). Oh did I mention when I asked the guy about giving me a discount based on other services I had had done at Sear within the last year (this is what they told me before to keep my receipts so that could be subtracted as a savings) he said no and said I gave you a rebate for you to mail in (like he’s doing something for me, it’s from Michelin not them). I am regretting coming here, I should have gone to CostCo and paid the little extra. (At least I could have walked around the mall and even gone to Starbucks to get some tea). Oh well too late now.
Ok so by the time I actually post this I will have left Sears but all this still applies. (They could at least have free wireless internet, it’s not like they are close to anything else so nobody would sit outside trying to steal, I mean borrow it). After I get my bill, I see why it’s costing me so much, the dude tried to be sneaky and add some extra warranty to the tires for almost another $60 WHAT, I made them give me a refund so now the cost was $650ish and I should get a $56 rebate. Now it’s actually costing what I expects $600.
So now for more bad news, the cost for my Camry’s timing belt and water pump approximately $850-900. Should have stuck to the Honda, yeah right.
One good thing about this Toyota dealership, they have free internet access for their customers. I was reading some reviews about this one and they weren’t that great but the service I have received so far has been pretty decent. J
Since I am writing from the dealership, you guessed it I am getting my oil change done. Looks like the timing belt is going to wait until next week though or at least once my voucher gets paid (if I'm lucky it will be next week). I may even get it detailed here because one thing the reviews did say was that the person at the dealership did a great job. I will post a pic if it looks awesome after the detailing see if it's worth the hundred it will cost.
11 August 2008
Finally things are getting rolling
08 August 2008
Tight Pic
04 August 2008
Finally some good news
03 August 2008
Decisions: pros and cons
First off, I know it has been a while but such is life. It has definitely been a busy time though so it’s time to up-date.
I want to say I went to go see the Dark Knight movie, but I guess since everyone has been hyping it up so much, I didn’t think it was as good as everyone said. Anyway, I could have waited to see it on DVD.
Now I have had the perfect job offer and I don’t know what to do. I have been offered a job to work with the Air Force in Florida, Panama City to be exact. I have been trying to get a job with the AF every since I got out 6 years ago and it is very hard to get in the system. On the same day I was offered this position I received another email in regards to a position with the AF in Florida. So I am sitting there emailing the person saying I have already forwarded the paperwork their human resources person has requested. But then she emails me back in regards to an interview. Now I am confused, as I have already been offered the job. Come to find out there are two jobs at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida, one that I have for sure and the other I have to interview for.
Also on the same day I receive an email about a job interview in Germany but it’s not as a PAO, it’s back to being what I was in the AF, a broadcaster. But I will do the interview anyway just to have options you never know and it is Germany so it would be nice to go back home.
Then the next day I receive another email about a job in Korea asking if I am still interested and would I like to interview. Of course I say yes because as above you never know, it’s nice to have options.
Of course all these options cause a big problem COST.
I'm going to leave it here for now as you never know what the next day holds.
20 July 2008
A pretty boring day
Yeah it is Sunday and Army Wives is on tonight but before we get to that. We are going out to see Speed Racer again with a good friend of mine who is moving back to CA, she didn’t like this area either. We’re going to a spot that serves you dinner while you watch the movie. We use to go to the Cinema Café all the time in Hampton but I hadn’t found one in this area.
I forgot to mention that on Friday after getting the loaner, we went grocery shopping at Safeway and I was able to use a $10 coupon I received in the mail from them and it worked no strings attached. I was expecting there to be some kind of special requirement like buying only Safeway products. I have 3 more coupons like that and I can’t wait to use them. Oh before you think there are no rules attached there are, you have to spend 50 bucks but that’s not that hard in a grocery store when you are buying expensive ass fruits and vegetables.
Anyway so after getting home from the movies, my son barely made it to the bed and it was only 1830. He’s still sleeping I hope he makes it through the night, only problem was I had plans to see a friend I hadn’t seen in 7 years oh well such is life. There is always tomorrow.
I am currently watching Army Wives and it’s getting interesting. I think the new chick’s husband is doing something on the side to have the expensive stuff that they have, at least that’s how they are playing it out.
Tonight’s blog will be short.
Oops I forgot, I finished my book “Double Take” by Catherine Coulter, it was really good and very long but worth it. Now I will start in the last one I took out, an Anne Perry book, they are completely different than the rest as it is set in a way back when time before cell phones and all the other fancy stuff like cars lol.
Commercial is over, got to go.
the car
So of course it being Saturday that means my son gets up nice and early, this day being no exception, 0630. So I take him off to his Tae Kwon Do class and keep hoping for the call from the dealership saying yes it really is only the battery it will cost 100 bucks you’re good to go but of course things never go like that.
After Tae Kwon Do we’re of to the other house to do laundry as usual. Due to the car issue I have decided to return quiet a few of the items I purchased from Aveda just in case the car tag is ridiculous. But when I go to return the items, they don’t want to refund the money for everything so I only end up getting $65 back and the rest of the stuff is a credit. So when we come back from the mall, I finally get the call from the Toyota people and yes it was the battery BUT they checked my brakes and I have zero brakes in the back and only about 45% in the front so of course they are advising new breaks cost $290, then they said that the power steering fluid area has some red fluid it in the container and it is suppose to be clear.
I advise them to change the brakes. They say the car will be ready at 1330 but I have to take my son to a birthday party at 1300hr so they will have to wait. Off to the party we go and of course while I am there I start thinking about the car problems. So even though I just had the power steering fluid flushed in February (I checked my receipts when I got back to the other house, also had to check when the brakes were done because I knew they had been done recently but they ended up being the front ones done in Oct)I have to get it done again because someone is an idiot, cost $ 126, on and did I mention the battery cost $119. Basically when it’s all done current cost is $578.95 but of course they have recommended new tires soon (I already knew that), new timing belt and water pump and brakes in the front, cost don’t even want to imagine.
So when talking to them at the b-day party, I start to ask why do I have to change the timing belt and water pump because I bought the car certified and I thought that meant they had replaced all the usual stuff. NOPE not the case, the only thing they do to make it certified is whatever has to be done according to the owner’s manual at the current mileage the car is being sold at. So in other words it’s a big waste of money because certified vehicles usually cost about 3 to 4 grand more than non-certified. It’s all-good though they when I bought my car and I gave them my trade in they gave me a lot more than it was worth so I guess we both came out even. They screwed me I screwed them, but that was two years ago so it’s irrelevant now anyway.
So after the birthday party and going to get my car on our way home I have to fill up ($63 of course) and as I am pumping right in front of the gas station I see this car hauling ass in the fast lane but there is a car that looks like he is trying to pulling to the gas station form the fast lane and next thing you know, big crash. The lady in the car gets out and starts cussing the dude out. The cops came pretty quick and she was still cussing, the cop had to tell her to get back in the car several times because she kept interrupting when he was questioning the guy calling him a liar and all this other stuff.
Anyway even though I saw the crash I didn’t see everything that happened before it, so I didn’t bothering giving a witness statement. Then I start explaining to my son how lucky we are that the car had only broken down and no one had hit us. He mentioned the lady cussing the dude out and I was trying to explain to him sometimes accidents happen and getting upset doesn’t help anyone. No one in the accident was hurt and there was only minor damage to both cars. Of course this lead to a discussion on what about if you’re in a hurry or late for work and I of course try to explain that rushing somewhere isn’t worth getting hurt or dying. Then I explain why I cuss people out sometimes, it’s not because they are hurrying, it’s because they are not driving properly, like not using their turn signal (which is one of my pet peeves). I explain that using your signal lets other drivers know what you are doing and gives them time to react if they have to.
The class continues and it doesn't end there
OK so the day has already started out bad. We are sitting in the boring class and of course certain people had to reseat themselves to sit behind K & I. I don’t like it when people sit behind me, especially since I had my things sitting behind me and now I had to move them beside me.
Yesterday didn’t end that well either I went off to go shopping after I picked up my son from school which probably wasn’t the best idea since I was already tired and still trying to recover from the boredom. I digress, so as I am in the process of going to the first store a good friend of mine that I haven’t seen in 7 years calls me up to let me know he will be in town for a week so I am a happy camper now, but this of course distracts me so I didn’t notice that I was charged for something I shouldn’t have been at he first store. Also after looking at the receipt from the first store I realize the nail polish I loved in Canada and therefore bought there for $11, only cost $3.99 here, what the hell. So then I move on to the next store where there are no issues on the quick return (I am still on the phone during this time). Now I move on to Home Depot and of course this is where things go array but I don’t realize it until later. Then I’m off to the Auto parts store because the other day some lady behind me pulled up beside me to let me know my brake light was out. My original reason to going to the store was to get windshield wiper fluid so as I am pulling out of the parking lot to go to Wal-Mart, I realize I bought the bulbs which was a secondary item but forgot the wiper fluid.
So we finally get to Wal-Mart and off to the toy department we go and the whole time I am reminding myself not to forget the wiper fluid. Also need to remember to get K to check to make sure the brake lights are now working but so far I have forgotten every time we were near the car.
By the time we get home I am now exhausted and only have enough energy to heat the rice I cooked the other day and then stuff my face with cake. I finally get my son to bed and decide to re-pot the plants into the new pots with the new soil. After I finish and as I am putting the soil away I realize that I am officially either an idiot or blind, on the bag is a big pot with an X through it, the soil is not to be used for potting. (I’m voting for the blind) WHAT they make soil that can’t be used in pots are you for real. So now of course I have to go get new soil for POTS. I knew I shouldn’t have gone to Home Depot, I don’t like the store to begin with, should have just gone to Lowe’s.
Now I am trying to decide where in ABQ I’m going to live. I really want a house so I can have a little garden but the majority of house rentals are in Rio Rancho which is about 18miles from work but still under consideration as gas is cheaper there. I could always have a little box of soil (I will have to make sure it is a type that can go in a box) on a patio or balcony but it would limit what I could grow. On the other side of that I would be in a good school district AND close to work approximately 5 miles or so. I am hoping to make a trip out there before the move if all goes well J
I couldn’t wait until the class was done so I could head to the mall for some alone shopping. It’s funny how the little things can be a lot harder when you have a child to amuse with you. Alone shopping is such a treat; of course I usually buy too much stuff and end up returning all of it J
I went to my high school alumni website site last night and it’s amazing how it has been up-graded. http://www.kahsalumni.org/ It’s nice to see old classmates giving up-dates. I also went to another alumni site where it’s a little more personal, people can comment on your picture and send you notes ect. It’s just getting started, I think once it’s in full swing, it will be great too. http://ktownraiders.ning.com/
After the class finally ended and almost on time too, 1300hr or so, K & I head back home. And there I finally remember to get her to check my break lights and all is well. So off to the mall I go and end up spending much more at my Aveda store than I had planned. Then I stop at the mini-mall area up the street. I go into Barnes & Nobles to get some more books for the Book Fairy to drop off, then to Rack Room Shoes to see if I can find anything new, then to Target to get the wrapping paper for the birthday party. Now I pick my son up, then we head to Lowe’s to get the Potting Soil to replace the non-potting soil I accidentally bought the other day.
Here is where the day starts to get to sucky, we pull out of Lowe’s and are on Route 1 and of course there is a red light. As I look at my dashboard, lights start going on, and then the car dies. What the hell….. Yup in the middle of rush hour and in the fast lane I am now stuck unable to move. It took the tow truck an hour to get there but at least 45 minutes into the wait some really nice men push us out of the main road and onto a side st. When I called Toyota to get the tow they said the Tow truck driver would get us home but of course when we get to Toyota (5 minutes before closing) the driver says they don’t do that. So now I have to go in a figure out how the hell I am going to get us home. I manage to talk the guy there to give us a loaner, thank goodness. The guy at Toyota said it probably is just the battery and he will let me know tomorrow.
At least I got my coupon from Starbucks for my free drink. See being a rewards member does have its benefits.
17 July 2008
Bored out of my mind
Let’s see what I can up date on… Well ABQ is not as far ahead as I thought it was. I thought all the paperwork was done so that all I had to do was submit a few things and off I would go but of course nothing can be that easy. So far they don’t have my transcripts, which they need for the RPA (have no clue what that is), they don’t have a job description and the one-man shop is very busy. So the question is, will everything be ready in time for me to leave when planned? My boss seems to think so, I on the other hand am not as confident.
On another note, I finally managed to take my son to the Zoo and I even got K to go with us. I think we all had a good time. We walked for what seemed like forever though and my butt was exhausted for days after wards but of course not my son’s. I bought my son a stuffed Tiger and he named him appropriately after the best Mexican Restaurant in the world, Pancho (the restaurant’s name being Pancho Villa). We went to eat afterwards at California Tortilla but I can’t really say I was please with the food, then again nothing compares to Pancho Villa food anyway so maybe it’s not the restaurants fault (actually it is because the food wasn’t good but that’s just my opinion which I am entitled to).
Hopefully we will actually get to go bike riding along some river like we keep talking about. I wouldn’t mind the exercise J Every time we have even considered it; it has been either too hot or raining.
I have been doing a lot of research on ABQ and am actually now looking forward to getting there. I have found that I can probably get a very nice 3 bedroom 2 bath house for about $925 at 1600-square-feet with a yard. How nice is that. I am also getting more info about the schools there and I don’t think they will be too bad. Also gas is cheaper there so that is encouraging.
I’m looking forward to the drive as I am already planning the most important stop on the way, at Chapel Hill, NC the student store on campus. I’m already saving money for that stop. I am still researching where else we could stop on the way but none will be as important as the first stop.
Did I mention we are currently taking a mandatory Strategic Communications class with our job and it’s not looking up to be very exciting, I think it would have been better if we had had a real issue to plan for like most of the people in the class. This class did get me thinking about the things this internship has offered me and could offer others. With the economy not doing well, and companies laying people off left and right, the security of this internship is a big seller. I am glad that I don’t have to worry about getting paid (but I do worry a little about if they will get my pay right when I get to ABQ) but either way, I still have a job. And this job will lead to another job if I want it and want to move higher in the organization. I am still hoping this will eventually lead me to Germany so I can be near my family.
My son’s godfather is coming back from being deployed very soon and we’re looking forward to seeing him. I’m glad he was able to return before we left for ABQ as who knows when we would have seen him again. He deployed right before we got to Arlington and we were suppose to be gone before he got back. Glad some things work in mysterious ways. Of course this means the wonderful 3-bedroom apartment we have been staying in will no longer be ours but everything has its price.
I am so happy, no ecstatic that Third Watch has FINALLY come out on DVD even if it’s only the first season. The other five will come eventually. Considering the show first aired in 1999 and ended in 2005, it seems like it has taken forever just for the 1st season.
Coby Bell is so hot, I would take him to bed in a heart beat. I still have not figured out why they cancelled this show. They could have easily gone another 5 seasons or more as long as they wouldn’t kill off or get rid of Coby.
OK now that I know where I am going I am trying to figure out where to go for vacation after Thanksgiving before Christmas with one of my friends and her son. We are considering somewhere warm of course somewhere around Nov to Dec. I am hoping we can get a good deal for the Caribbean but it looks like most of the deals are to South America which I wont mind but have to ask her how she feels about it.
Third note, I have to start researching how I can make it possible for my mother to move part-time to NM. Since she is Canadian and gets her health care for free there, that is my biggest issue. I am hoping to find a way to add her to my health care plan so that she wont have to worry about getting sick while visiting especially since NM is far from any Canadian border.
Now comes the sad news, K & I have just realized we will be 8 hours apart which means we wont be at work at the same time L How will we talk to each other on AKO IM or DSN? Oh of all the injustices of the world lol. OK it’s not that serious but still.
I have read two books in the last three days and enjoyed the first one, “Stranger in Paradise” by Robert B. Parker. The second one wasn’t as good, “Killer Weekend” by Ridley Pearson, but it kept me going. I am now on my third book YEAH me, it “Double Take” by Catherine Coulter. I also recently read “Quicksand” by Iris Johnansen, it was a great book, kept me up way past my bedtime. I love to read; my favorite authors need to start putting out quicker. Just to name a few of them, they are: James Patterson, Patricia Cornwell, Anne Perry, Catherine Coulter, Dan Brown, Sara Paretsky, Elizabeth George, Ridley Pearson, Lisa Gardner, Jeffrey Deaver, John Sandford, Carole Nelson Douglas, Iris Johnansen, Johnathan Kellermanm and Robert B. Parker.
OK I think that is enough. I’m sure I’ll have more tomorrow as the class continues.
10 July 2008
well it's been decided
08 July 2008
Canada Trip Continued
07 July 2008
Canada Trip (currently at Starbucks with random connectivity)
Ok so here’s how the trip went. Let’s start with the drive on Friday. I assumed (and you know what that does) that not very many people would be traveling on the 4th of July but of course that was not the case. We got a late start because we were out too late the night before at the Lion King at the Kennedy Center. The show was pretty good, at least the customs were great and original, but I probably should have got tickets for an afternoon show. My son did manage to stay awake though to my surprise. We didn’t get home until after 2300hr and I didn’t get to bed until after midnight by the time I had the car packed.
Well I digress, we left around 0700hr and I sort of took my time, which is unusual, but the funny thing is even with the five or so stops we still made it at the car’s ETA. As soon as we arrive, we head off to the bike store because I have decided to try to get back into biking. I have a 20 year old back that I want to trade in for something more recent but they didn’t have any used bikes my size (no surprise there) and the cheapest one there is about $478 and I am not trying to spend more than $400 to include the bike thing that I need to bring the bike back home.
Anyway after going there and not having made a decision we head off to my favorite restaurant, Pancho Villa, the best Mexican place around. So of course I enjoy the hell out of my meal and then go hang at the basketball park where I run into a few people I know but that is no surprise. After one of my friends is done playing we of course head to Pancho Villa (yes I know I just had it about 3 hours before) but did I mention it was the best Mexican restaurant ever. We bumped into a few of his friends and the restaurant and we decided to join them. It was actual fun hanging out chatting watching the people go by (we were sitting outside it was a gorgeous night). Next thing I know it’s 2300hr and time for me to hit the bed as I had been up since 0600hr.
Ok now I get up the next morning around 0830hr (my son actually slept in, how amazing) and I start getting ready to go to my big Spa day. So I head over there around 1015hr and get there about 15 minutes early (oh how quickly one forgets the time it takes to get somewhere here, there is no traffic when you compare it to DC). OK so I’m sitting inside waiting on the person who will service me (for lack of a better phrase), and she is now 10 minutes late (her tipping is declining as I sit there and wait). Finally she comes to get me and we begin my day at the spa. Ok this is the part where things get a little dicey.
We start with my facial and everything is going great for the first hour or so and then out of nowhere a migraine starts to hit me. Migraines are not a pretty thing especially for me. But eventually it fades a bit when we get into the body wrap but when I wake up after having been wrapped for a while it’s back and stronger. Now I go get my shower to get the mud off of me as that is what I was wrapped in and I’m not doing so well and still have a pedicure to sit threw. Now I just want the day to be over. I forgot to say though, the lady who was servicing me, was doing an outstanding job so now her tip has gone back up. She does a wonderful job on my feet and makes this perfect color of blue but I am not able to enjoy this part at all, as the migraine is getting worse and worse. Finally I can leave and I popped two Imitrax but by the time I get home, it still hasn’t gotten any better as a matter of fact it has gotten worse, and I start puking my guts out. Mind you I barely ate anything that day so it wasn’t pleasant. OK so about an hour goes by and it’s just getting worse and then it’s to the point where I need to go to the emergency room. Yup you heard me right, I got to spend a wonderful Saturday in the emergency room. I was there for about seven hours because every emergency room seems to have a minimum four-hour wait. Oh and to top it off I got an IV (did I mention I hate needles and anything like them). So they pump me full of drugs and I get a little better, enough to be fed up being there and ready to go home. The place was freezing and I had two blankets, but that wasn’t enough. The doctor was going to pump me with more drugs but I had been there long enough and didn’t have the patience to stay any longer (should have though cause there was still a minor headache brewing). Anyway I finally make it home and eat some soup then off to bed. Finally I get to sleep in the warmth.
So now we are on Sunday. I was looking forward to watching the fellas at the basketball court but because I was going to see my old friend Ang, it didn’t really care too much about the game besides as usual my mother wanted to go there as well and she is always doing embarrassing things. Hard to pick up hotties when you’re mom is around. As I am waiting for Ang to get to the house I run out to Costco to pick up a few things and get back before she gets there thank goodness. So were having a good time catching up but as we are at my mother’s it’s hard for us to speak as we want and she of course wants to be part of this conversation. Finally we go to get some food. Can you guess where? Pancho Villa of course. We get there and finally we can chat. It’s funny how the friends you knew way back when, are the type of friends you can pick up your conversation just as before regardless that it’s been about 15 or so years since you had seen each other.
As we are at the restaurant, Wimbledon is on the screen, and there is a hottie playing with a really nice ass and arms J. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see the end of the game, as there was a game delay in England. I hope hottie won. Once I get access to the Internet I will find out. (Did I mention my mother has no Internet and these damn Canadians all have passwords on their routers so I couldn’t steal, I mean borrow it). Did I also mention that both the owner and the bartender are hotties at the restaurant but of course they both have girlfriends (nothing wrong with eye candy though).
So we finally finish up there and head to the park. The basketball game is just ending and of course the St. Luke’s boys win again against the cops. (St Luke’s is the name of the park that has a wading pool, playground and basketball courts and I’ve been going there for 25 years and fellas have been playing ball there for just as long). This is where I always go to see some hotties and Sunday was no different. I of course was smart and brought my new Nikon to the park and took several pictures. I have some hotties on camera yeah. The pictures will be posted J. So Ang and I continue to hang out and chat until she has to go as she has a five-hour drive ahead of her. Then I come back to the park and take more pictures. I chat a while with the fellas and head out. And of course because I have a babysitter, I’m off to the movies. Ready for my review:
I saw Wanted and boy that movie is action packed. I like it from the get go, the only thing I didn’t really like was the very end but hey maybe they will follow up with a sequel to make up for it. Anyway, it had some unexpected results that I wont actually post because I don’t want to spoil this movie. It is definitely worth seeing. I’m glad I went even thought it was over-priced as I am in Canada not to say the US is much better. (I will try to make it to another movie today if it’s possible).Of course I didn’t make it to the comedy club because my friends are punks and they just had to go see Snoop Dog who was playing at the Bluesfest that Ottawa has every year.
02 July 2008
New read old book
The book was interesting and really gets you thinking especially when you consider it is being written by a thirteen year old. Of course because it is a true story you don't get the ending you want nor the information that you wish you knew (like what exactly happens after they get captured and how exactly does she die).
So as this is not meant to be an in depth review I will end it with I'm glad I read it but I wouldn't read it again. I think I will stick to my mysteries lol.